Having a swing that is too vertical causes major issues. One issue is a collapsing left arm, essentially your left arm bends at the top leading to an over-swing. Another issue is a major pull or big slice. Because your swing is vertical, the body naturally wants to pull the club down and across; causing a major slice or a big pull to the left.
This drill is all about fixing a swing that is too vertical. This leads to a collapsed left arm, over-swinging, and timing issues. To see if you are too vertical, take a video of your swing Down-the-Line. If your right shoulder (for right-handed players) is visible and your left arm is ABOVE your right shoulder, you are too vertical.
The point of this drill is to cover the right shoulder with your left arm. Steps:
Stand facing forward with your butt just touching a wall. Heels should be about 4-6 inches from the wall.
Take a practice swing with no club
When you reach the top, pause
Your right forearm should be flush against the wall and your left arm should be across your chest.
See TikTok below for reference!